President Director Message

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President Director Message

Dear Friends, Clients, Colleagues,

We hope you are keeping safe and well, during the current Covid-19 outbreak. I will keep this brief, but I want to share how Illuminate Asia will operate and continue to support you in the coming weeks.

Since its foundation, the Illuminate Asia team have lived by our core value to "create a positive impact for our clients and the community".

This enduring value guides us as we face the difficult challenge of responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19), which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic last week. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this crisis.

As with many of our clients, Illuminate Asia will be implementing a remote working (work from home) policy.  But we'd like to reassure you that it will be business as usual during this period. We want to help our clients keep their businesses moving forwards, so that the wheels of the economy can continue to spin. At Illuminate Asia, we are already used to working remotely, and online; and have many processes in place already for this kind of work.

While projects and fieldwork will continue during this period, we strongly recommend to conduct fieldwork remotely (via online or telephone). Our researchers will discuss this with you directly and on a case by case basis. Illuminate has extensive experience with remote fieldwork. In fact, we were one of the first agencies to conduct online research, especially market research in Indonesia and have been doing so for many years now. There are many options for online and remote fieldwork including:

  1. Real time, live qualitative research via video or online chat.
  2. Longer terms qualitative research (usually over several days) - bulletin board, online communities.
  3. Online quantitative research using online panels and online platforms.
  4. Social listening, cultural insights, semiotics, Ai (Artificial Intelligence).

If deemed necessary, we are still able to conduct face to face fieldwork during the coming weeks and have detailed protocols in place to ensure the safety of our respondents, clients and of our team. We are happy to discuss these protocols with you in detail if required.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation during this time. We are in unchartered waters currently, in a situation that has never happened before. But we are very confident that we can continue to run projects smoothly and effectively. We can build on our strengths already in online and remote working; to provide the best quality fieldwork and output for you and your teams. Please contact one of our team to discuss further ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).

On behalf of the Illuminate team, we sincerely hope that you and your families and teams will remain safe during this challenging time.


Warm regards,

Dawn Herdman

President Director